What does an IT Director do?

Author René Lebrun
November 10, 2023

An IT Director is one of the most senior positions of leadership in a business’s IT department, covering an array of responsibilities across their IT operations. Another version of this title is a Director of Information Technology. They tend to have more than ten years of experience and may be expected to hold a master’s degree, bachelor’s degree or similar certifications.

They often report to the Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and their responsibilities include IT management of a business’s IT systems, infrastructure and strategy. An IT Director’s role can be varied as it requires interpersonal skills in leadership and strategic planning but also technical knowledge and problem solving.

As they’re in a director position, one of the key responsibilities of an IT Director is to ensure the business’s information technology systems, IT teams and resources align with overall business goals. Here’s some elements that might be in an IT Director job description:

Strategic direction

A big difference between a junior IT professional and an IT Director is the director’s role to align the IT strategy with the business’s strategy. For example, they are expected to stay on top of new technology trends and constantly assess how digital transformation can help to achieve that strategy.


An exciting part of an IT Director’s role is innovation. They’re responsible for staying up to date with new technology and digital transformation trends and tools, and finding ways to implement them that achieve business goals while improving IT operations.

Resource management

As upper management, IT Directors are also tasked with allocating resources to support projects, initiatives and ongoing IT operations. This can include the people in their IT teams, their budget and their infrastructure to make sure they’re in line with business requirements.

Team leadership

While IT Directors possess many technical knowledge and operational skills, they also are expected to have interpersonal skills and leadership skills that support the career path of their IT teams. This involves personal and career development, and creating a high-performing and collaborative culture.

Project management and oversight

IT Directors are the key stakeholders in overseeing the planning and delivery of all IT projects, including major decision-making. It’s their job to make sure all projects are completed to a high-quality standard within set timelines and within the agreed budget. This includes projects involving change management, such as upgrading to new information systems.

Technology infrastructure

It’s the role of an IT Director to make sure the business’s information systems and infrastructure are running securely and smoothly – including all networks, computer systems, software development and upgrades. They also support the business by monitoring data security risks, and implementing cybersecurity measures and risk management protocols that protect the company’s operating systems.

Vendor and strategic relationships

IT Directors are crucial in maintaining and managing relationships with external technology suppliers and provides. They are responsible for negotiating contracts and ensuring the contracts are in line with business goals. The same goes for strategic partnerships within the technology industry to stay on top of digital transformation trends.


IT Directors have very technical knowledge and might use complex language within their IT team, so it’s important that they’re able to use communication skills that help the rest of the business understand the technical support they provide. This also includes the ability to report on performance metrics of the IT department on a regular basis to demonstrate their achievements in a relatable way.

If you’re looking for an IT Director role or a job in a related field, you can send us your CV or complete our form below.

Get in touch

Keller West is part of The SR Group, alongside Brewer Morris, Carter Murray, Frazer Jones and Taylor Root.


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